(Selected Journal Papers, Proceedings and Refereed Abstracts)
  1. 岡嶋克典、阿山みよし、内川惠ニ、池田光男:「光源色モードと表面色モードにおける明るさ効率の比較」、光学, 17, No.11, 582-592 (1988)
  2. 岡嶋克典、池田光男:「白色光における輝面色モードと表面色モードの見えの定式化」、光学, 18, No.10, 558-564 (1989)
  3. 高瀬正典、岡嶋克典、内川惠ニ、池田光男:「直接比較法における色光の明るさの変化」、光学, 19, No.3, 176-181 (1990)
  4. 岡嶋克典、池田光男:「表面色モードと光源色モードにおける対応色の関係」、光学, 20, No.6, 363-368 (1991) <応用物理学会日本光学会奨励賞受賞>
  5. 高瀬正典、岡嶋克典、内川惠ニ:「周辺網膜における色光の明るさ」、光学, 20, No.7, 430-437 (1991)
  6. Katsunori Okajima、Masanori Takase、Sumio Takahashi: " Perception of Translucent Colors with Binocular Parallax,"Advances in Color Vision, Technical Digest, 4, 152-154 (1992)
  7. 岡嶋克典、高瀬正典:「複数周辺色による色の見えの変化と周辺効果の加法性」、日本色彩学会誌, 18, No.1, 2-9 (1994) <日本色彩学会色彩学論文賞受賞>
  8. Katsunori Okajima、Alan R. Robertson、Graham H. Fielder: "Opponent Mechanisms and Categorical Color Naming in Color Vision," Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 35, No.4, 2166 (1994)
  9. Katsunori Okajima、Alan R. Robertson、Graham H. Fielder: "Differences of Color Responses and Color Mechanisms between Subjects," Vision, 6, No.3, 131 (1994)
  10. 岡嶋克典:「無彩色パターン知覚における周辺光効果の空間的加法性」、照明学会誌 79, No.2, 101-107 (1995)  <照明学会研究奨励賞受賞>
  11. Yuji Ishida、Katsunori Okajima、Masanori Takase: "Relationship between Binocular-Color-Fusion Limits and Color Responses," Perception, 24, Supplement, 62 (1995)
  12. 石田祐司、岡嶋克典、高瀬正典:「両眼色融合における色刺激の呈示周波数と周辺光の効果」、光学, 25, No.11, 655-664 (1995)
  13. Katsunori Okajima、Masanori Takase、Sumio Takahashi: "Interaction between Colour and Depth Channels in Transparent Colour Perception," Perception, 25, Supplement, 61 (1996)
  14. 三橋徹、岡嶋克典:「メディア間色再現のカラーマッチング評価における画面周囲条件の影響」、照明学会誌, 81, No.5, 367-375 (1997)
  15. Masanori Takase,、Hisao Mizobuchi、Katsunori Okajima: "The Relationship of Circular Vection, Induced Motion, and Optokinetic Nystagmus," OSA Annual Meeting 1997, Conference Program, 131 (1997)
  16. 織田達美、岡嶋克典、高橋純夫:「3次元空間内の表面知覚に及ぼす自発的自己運動の効果」、VISION(日本視覚学会誌), 9, No.3, 185-188 (1997)
  17. 溝渕久男、高瀬正典、岡嶋克典:「回転ベクションと周辺視野での視覚誘導運動の関係」、光学, 26, No.7, 381-387 (1997)
  18. K.Okajima, A.R.Robertson and G.H.Fielder: "Color Vision Model for Opponent and Categorical Color Perception," Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC Color 97), 203-206 (1997) 
  19. K.Okajima, A.R.Robertson and G.H.Fielder: "Spatial Additivity of Surround Effects in Achromatic Pattern Perception," Journal of Light & Visual Environment,  21, No.2, 23-27 (1997)
  20. K.Okajima, T.Oda and M.Takase: "Neon Color Spreading Promoted by Motion Information," Optical Review, 5, No.2, 124-127 (1998)
  21. 岡嶋克典、岩田三千子:「水晶体加齢モデルによる高齢者の照明シミュレーションと最適照度の検討」、照明学会誌, 82, No.8A, 564-572 (1998)
  22. 岡嶋克典、高瀬正典、石田祐司、溝渕久男:「中心視及び周辺視における色光検出の潜時」、INSS Monograph Series, No.7, 25-35 (1998)
  23. 高原邦光、岡嶋克典、高瀬正典:「仮想現実感を用いた自己運動と視覚情報の非整合環境下における知覚特性の変化」、VISION(日本視覚学会誌), 10, No.4, 205-208 (1998)
  24. 岡嶋克典:「高齢者の色の見えと照明効率 −視覚の加齢シミュレーションによる色順応実験と照明設計−」、Color Forum Japan'98 Proceedings, 37-44 (1998)
  25. 鈴木裕之、高原邦光、岡嶋克典、高瀬正典:「焦点ぼけを考慮した画像表示システムの開発とその知覚的効果」、VISION(日本視覚学会誌), 11, No.2, 97-100 (1999)
  26. 岡嶋克典:「水晶体と瞳孔径の年齢変化から導出した高齢者の等価照度換算式」、照明学会誌, 83, No.8A, 556-560 (1999)
  27. K.Takahara, K.Okajima and M.Takase: Perceptual Learning of Visual Stability in a Virtual Environment with Conflicting Head and Retinal Motion Information," Perception, 28, suppl., 7 (1999)
  28. K.Okajima, A.Kikuchi and M.Takase: "Relationship Between Motion Transparency and Colour Transparency of Equiluminous Colour Plaid," Perception, 28, suppl., 87 (1999)
  29. K.Okajima, K.Takahara and M.Takase: "Adaptability of the Human Visuo-Motor System in an Unusual Simulated Environment using Virtual Reality," Proc.of the First Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Defense Sci. and Tech, 74-79 (1999)
  30. 高原邦光、岡嶋克典、高瀬正典:「能動的頭部運動と視覚運動情報の非整合環境下における順応効果」、光学, 29, No.3, 167-173 (2000)
  31. 岡嶋克典、高原邦光、高瀬正典、氏家弘裕:「注視点変化に伴う焦点ぼけ情報を生成する立体画像システムの開発とその知覚的効果」、日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 5, No.2, 875-880 (2000)
  32. 岡嶋克典、吉田博、氏原彰:「輝度コントラストの加齢変化に基づく高齢者の色視認性評価法」、日本色彩学会誌, 24, No.3, 164-170 (2000)
  33. 岡嶋克典、高瀬正典:「色の光沢感と明るさ知覚の関係」、映像情報メディア学会誌, 54, No.9, 1315-1318 (2000)
  34. 岡嶋克典、高瀬正典:「マンセル色票の色名呼称における高齢者水晶体擬似フィルタ装着の効果」、照明学会誌, 84, No.11, 838-842 (2000)
  35. K.Okajima and M.Takase: "Computerized Simulation and Chromatic Adaptation Experiments Based on a Model of Aged Human Lens," Optical Review, 8, No.1, 64-70 (2001)
  36. M.Iwata, K.Okajima and H.Ujike; "Age-Related Change of Contrast Sensitivity Function Depends on Illumination Level," Proc. of International Workshop for Gerontechnology, 87-88 (2001)
  37. 岩田三千子、岡嶋克典、氏家弘裕:「照度レベルに依存するコントラスト感度の加齢変化」 照明学会誌, 85, No.5, 352-360 (2001)
  38. K.Okajima, N.Tsuchiya and K.Yamashita: "Age-Related Nonlinear Compensation in the Color Vision Mechanism," Proceedings of the First Asian Conference on Vision, 65 (2001)
  39. 氏家弘裕、岡嶋克典、斎田真也:「奥行き運動知覚における絵画的奥行き情報の加算的相互作用」、映像情報メディア学会誌, 55, No.11, 1491-1498 (2001)
  40. K.Okajima, N.Tsuchiya and K.Yamashita: "Age-Related Changes in Color Appearance Depend on Unique-Hue Components," Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC Color 01), 259-262 (2001)
  41. K.Okajima, A.R.Robertson and G.H.Fielder: "A Quantitative Network Model for Color Categorization," Color Research and Application, 27, No.4, 225-232 (2002)
  42. K..Okajima, K.Takahara and M.Takase. "Adaptability of Visual Stability Mechanism Depends on Visual Field," Proceedings of the Second Asian Conference on Vision, 62 (2002)
  43. K.Segawa, H.Ujike, K.Okajima and S.Saida. "Effects of Stimulus Area on Perceived Speed of Self-Motion from Optic Flow," Proceedings of the Second Asian Conference on Vision, 22 (2002)
  44. H.Ujike, K.Okajima and S.Saida. "Interactions among Pictorial Depth Cues for Static and Dynamic Depth Perception," Proceedings of the Second Asian Conference on Vision, 4 (2002)
  45. A.Hazama, K.Okajima, K.Yokoi, K.Uchikawa, M.Yamaguchi and K.Kita. "Perceptual Color Matching Between CRT-Display and Color Chips,"Proceedings of the Second Asian Conference on Vision, 84 (2002)
  46. 羽左間歩、岡嶋克典、横井健司、内川惠二、山口雅浩、喜多紘一:「多色刺激を用いたCRTディスプレイと色票間の知覚的カラーマッチング」、Color Forum Japan'02 Proceedings, 13-14 (2002)
  47. K.Okajima, K.Yamashita, Y.Takamura, K.Watanabe and N.Tsuchiya; "Color Perception of the Elderly: Experiments and Simulations," Proceedings of the International Conference for Universal Design in Japan, 238-244 (2002)
  48. M.Iwata, K.Okajima and H.Ujike; "Study on Preferable Illuminance of Housing for Aged and Young People," Proceedings of the International Conference for Universal Design in Japan, 245-251 (2002)
  49. 瀬川かおり、氏家弘裕、岡嶋克典、斎田真也:「オプティカルフローによる自己移動速度知覚に距離手がかりが及ぼす影響」、日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 8, No.1, 111-118 (2003)
  50. 羽左間歩、岡嶋克典、横井健司、内川惠二、山口雅浩、喜多紘一:「CRTディスプレイと色票の知覚・測色カラーマッチング不一致と等色関数による分析」、VISION(日本視覚学会誌), 15, No.2, 97-100 (2003)
  51. K.Okajima; "Color Perception of the Elderly: Basic Researches and Applications," Proceedings of the International Colour Association (AIC Color 03), 413-416 (2003)
  52. T.Suzuki, Q.Yi, S.Sakuragawa, H.Tamura and K.Okajima; "Comparison of Response Speed to Color Stimuli between Elderly and Young Adults with and without Filters Simulating an Aged Human Lens ," Proceedings of the International Colour Association (AIC'03), 442-446 (2003)
  53. K.Okajima, T.Ukibe and M.Takase; "Perceived Distance of Travel Estimated from Accelerative and Decelerative Optic Flows along Straight and Curved Lines," Perception 32, suppl. 69 (2003)
  54. K.Segawa, H.Ujike, K.Okajima and S. Saida; "Effects of Visual Field on Perceived Speed of Self-Motion from Optic Flow," Perception, 32, suppl. 71 (2003)
  55. P. B. Delahunt, J. L. Hardy, K. Okajima and J. S. Werner; "Senescence of Chromatic Contrast Matching Functions," Journal of Vision, 3, No.12, 60 (2003)
  56. Y. Yamauchi, Y. Nakano M. Kamata, K.. Okajima, K. Uchikawa, Y. Murakami, M. Yamaguchi and N. Ohyama; "Measurement of Color Matching Function using a Digital Micro-Mirror Device," Journal of Vision, 3 No.12, 66 (2003)
  57. 山内泰樹、中野靖久、鎌田正智、岡嶋克典、内川惠二、村上百合、山口雅浩、大山永昭:「任意スペクトル呈示装置を用いた等色関数の測定」、Color Forum Japan'03 Proceedings, 129-132 (2003)
  58. 鈴木敬明、易強、櫻川智史、田村久恵、岡嶋克典:「高齢者模擬フィルタを通して色刺激を見た場合の視認性評価 −反応時間と事象関連脳電位P300の比較−」、Color Forum Japan'03 Proceedings, 137-138 (2003)
  59. Y. Murakami, S. Sugino, K. Okajima, M.Yamaguchi and N. Ohyama; "High Fidelity Color Reproduction on Multi-Primary Display Considering Age-Related Change of Color Matching Functions," Proceedings of the International Conference Optics & Photonics in Technology Frontier (ICO'04), 489-490 (2004)
  60. 岩井彌、岡嶋克典:「正対比文字で構成された文章に対する読みやすさ評価関数の導出」, 照明学会誌、88, No.11, 874-881 (2004)
  61. T.Suzuki, Q.Yi, S.Sakuragawa, H.Tamura and K.Okajima; "Age-Related Changes of Response Time and ERP," Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 31, Supplement (The Third Asian Conference on Vision ACV 2004), 176 (2004)
  62. T.Suzuki, Q.Yi, S.Sakuragawa, H.Tamura and K.Okajima; "Comparing the Visibility of Low-Contrast Color Landolt-Cs; -Effect of Aging Human Lens-," Color Research and Application, 30 No.1, 5-12 (2005)
  63. J.Hardy, P.Delahunt, K.Okajima and J.S.Werner;."Senescence of Chromatic Contrast Sensitivity 1. Threshold Measurements,"Journal of Optical Society of America. A, 22, No.1, 49-59 (2005)
  64. P.Delahunt, J.Hardy, K.Okajima and J.S.Werner;."Senescence of Chromatic Contrast Sensitivity 2. Suprathreshold Measurements,"Journal of Optical Society of America. A, 22, No.1, 60-67 (2005)
  65. 高原邦光, 岡嶋克典, 高瀬正典: ”視野安定機構の再校正における刺激パターンの効果と頭部回転軸間転移”, 映像情報メディア学会誌、59, No.5, 755-760 (2005)
  66. T.Suzuki, K.Okajima and T. Funai; "Development of Senile Miosis Simulator Adapting to Variable Illumination in Colour Environment," Proceedings of 10th Congress of the International Colour Association, 17-20 (2005)
  67. T.Suzuki, Q.Yi, S.Sakuragawa, H.Tamura and K.Okajima; "Age-related Changes of Reaction Time and P300 for Low-Contrast Color Stimuli; Effects of Yellowing of the Aging Human Lens," Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science, 25 No.2, 179-187 (2006)
  68. Kunimitsu Takahara, Katsunori Okajima and Masanori Takase: "Recalibration of Visual Stability Mechanism Occurs in a Higher-Order Visual System," Optical Review, 13, No.2, 111-118 (2006)
  69. R. Ferrer, R. Garcia-Monlleo, M. Melgosa, K. Shinomori, K. Okajima, "Colour Changes Attributable to Age-Related Modifications ofthe Human Lens," Proceedings of 37th International on Novelties and Textiles, 84 (2006)
  70. Kan Arai and Katsunori Okajima, "Visual Information of Collision Object Modulates Contact Force Sense," The 4th Asian Conference on Vision (ACV2006), VISION, 18, Suppl., 69 (2006)
  71. Masahito Nagata, Katsunori Okajima and Masayuki Osumi, "Quantification of Gloss Perception Depending on Stimulus Duration," The 4th Asian Conference on Vision (ACV2006), VISION, 18, Suppl., 135 (2006)
  72. Taka-aki Suzuki, Takeshi Haraguchi, Takashi Funai, Yuko Sato, Shigeru Hasegawa and Katsunori Okajima, "Influence of Inhomogeneous Luminance Background in Visibility of Text,"The 4th Asian Conference on Vision (ACV2006), VISION, 18, Suppl., 229 (2006)
  73. M.Ayama, H.Ujike, M.Funakawa, W.Iwai and K.Okajima; "Effects of Contrast and Character Size upon Legibility of Japanese Text Stimuli Presented on Visual Display Terminal," Optical Review, 14, 48-56 (2007)
  74. Katsunori Okajima and Shin-nosuke Fujimoto, "Influence of Spatial Frequency Distribution in Brightness Perception of Light Environment," Perception 36, Suppl., 81 (2007)
  75. Kan Arai and Katsunori Okajima, "Magnitude of Tactile Sensation can be Modulated by Visual Motion Information," Perception 36, Suppl., 206 (2007)
  76. 神戸秀、岡嶋克典:「並列的リアルタイム動画像処理によるカラーユニバーサルデザイン評価システム」、Color Forum Japan'07 Proceedings, 93-96 (2007)
  77. Masahito Nagata, Katsunori Okajima, and Masayuki Osumi, "Quantification of Gloss Perception as a Function of Stimulus Duration," Optical Review, 14, No.6, 406-410 (2007)
  78. 岡嶋克典、藤本新之助:「光環境の明るさ感における空間周波数分布の影響」、照明学会誌、92, No.2, 77-82 (2008)
  79. 山口泰優、岡嶋克典:「視聴覚統合による呈示時間の長さ知覚への影響」、VISION(日本視覚学会誌), 20, No.2, 109-113 (2008)
  80. T. Suzuki, Y. Okada, Q. Yi, S. Sakuragawa, K. Takayama, and K. Okajima," Simple Estimation Method for Age-Related Change of Spectral Luminous Efficiency using LEDs,"Proceedings of interim Meeting of the International Colour Association(AIC), #38 (2008)
  81. 小田将史、岡嶋克典:「高齢者の色恒常性を考慮した演色性の可視化」、Color Forum Japan'08 Proceedings, 87-90 (2008)
  82. 原健、岡嶋克典:「両眼色融合を利用した立体映像表示」、Color Forum Japan'08 Proceedings, 139-142 (2008)
  83. 岡嶋克典:「高齢者・色覚異常者の色の見えシミュレーションシステム」、眼鏡学ジャーナル, 12, No.2, 19-24 (2009)
  84. 原口健、岡嶋克典、鈴木敬明:「有彩色背景上に表示された有彩色文章の可読性の定量化」、映像情報メディア学会誌, 63, No.3, 323-330 (2009)
  85. Naoto Tanaka, Michiko Iwata, Shino Okuda, Kouichi Oda and Katunori Okajima, "Current Situation Analysis on Public Space Walking of the Low Vision People," Proceedings of the 6th Lux Pacifica, 263-268 (2009)
  86. Carlos Arce Lopera, Tomohiro Masuda, Atsushi Kimura, Ippei Dan, Yuji Wada and Katsunori Okajima, "Visual Cues on Food Freshness Perception: How Luminance Influences the Freshness Perception of Vegetables," Perception 38 Suppl., 96 (2009)
  87. Katsunori Okajima and Masafumi Oda, "Quantification and Formulation of Age-Related Changes in Color Appearance," Perception, 38, Suppl., 36 (2009)
  88. Masao Okawa, Shoji Kobayashi and Katsunori Okajima, "Study on the Effect of Light Source Spectrum on Apparent Road Surface Brightness," Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Automotive Lighting 2009 Laboratory of Lighting Technology, 13, 53-64 (2009)
  89. Kan Arai, Katsunori Okajima, "Tactile Force Perception Depends on the Visual Speed of the Collision Object," Journal of Vision, 9(11);19, 1-9 (2009)
  90. 荒井観、岡嶋克典:「断続的振動呈示による文字表現手法」、ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌, 11, No.4, 331-338 (2009)
  91. 荒井観、岡嶋克典:「粗さ触知覚における両側刺激の影響」 、 映像情報メディア学会誌, 63, No.12, 1800-1806 (2009)
  92. Takeshi Haraguchi, Taka-aki Suzuki and Katsunori Okajima, "Quantitative Analysis of Inhomogeneous Luminance Effect on Visibility of Text," Optical Review, 16, No.6, 627-635 (2009)
  93. 原直也、神農悠聖、岡嶋克典:「有彩色と白色の照明光間の色変化時における定常順応のための所要時間」、照明学会誌、94, No.2, 86-91 (2010)
  94. Yuji Wada, Carlos Arce-Lopera, Tomohiro Masuda, Atsushi Kimura, Ippeita Dan, Shouichi Goto, Daisuke Tsuzuki, Katsunori Okajima, "Influence of luminance distribution on the appetizingly fresh appearance of cabbage," Appetite, 54, No.2, 363-368 (2010)
  95. 小林正自、大川正夫、岡嶋克典:「前照灯照明光源の分光分布が視対象の明るさに与える影響」 、照明学会誌、94, No.5, 275-282 (2010)
  96. Naoya Hara, Mika Kato, Masami Kono and Katsunori Okajima, "Influence of Gradually Dimmining Light Environment on Brightness-Related Rating," Proceedings of 2nd CIE Expert Symposium, 100-101 (2010)
  97. Katsunori Okajima, Carlos Arce-Lopera, Takanori Igarashi, Keisuke Nakao, "Luminance Statistics Effects on Skin Age Perception," International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists Congress (IFSCC2010) #187 (2010)
  98. Naoya Hara, Mika Kato, Masami Kono and Katsunori Okajima, "Brightness Perception Under the Gradually Dimming Light Environment,"Proceedings of 3rd CJK(China-Japan-Korea) Lighting Symposium, 237-238 (2010)
  99. Sven Spode, Corinna Zennig, Tobias Krieger, Peter Konig, Katsunori Okajima, "Effects of Cultural Differences in Emotion Recognition on Visual Attention,"The 10th Biannual Meeting of the German Society for Cognitive Science (KogWis2010), 177 (2010)
  100. Yoko Fukumoto, Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima,"Colour References for Estimating Actual Conditions of Food Material and Cooked Meat," Proceedings of interim Meeting of the International Colour Association(AIC), 556-559 (2010)
  101. Yasuki Yamauchi, Minoru Suzuki, Taka-aki Suzuki, Katsunori Okajima, "Measurement of CMFs with a compact and simple apparatus using LEDs," Journal of Vision, Vol.10, No.15, Article 65, (2010) (Fall Vision Meeting 2010, Rochester)
  102. Hiroyuki Hakamada, Mitsuru Ohya, Ayako Sakai, Asako Sakurada , Tomomi Ohta, Katsunori Okajima, "Development of a Universally Designed Font," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference for Universal Design 2010, O-148 (2010)
  103. 原口健、岡嶋克典:「視覚探索における誘目性の定量化」、日本視覚学会誌(VISION)、23 No.1, 1-18 (2011)
  104. 荒井観、岡嶋克典:「摩擦に対する作用力知覚における視聴覚情報の効果」、日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌、16, No.1, 57-64 (2011)
  105. Taka-aki Suzuki, Minoru Suzuki, Yasuki Yamauchi and Katsunori Okajima:"Development of simple color bipartite apparatus using single light source with LEDs and measurement of individual color matching functions," Proceedings of Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association(AIC), 763-766 (2011)
  106. Shino Okuda, Yuko Yamadera, Yoko Fukumoto, Katsunori Okajima and Carlos Arce-Lopera:"Effects of Light on Food Appearance in Color, Glossiness and Visual Texture," Proceedings of Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association(AIC), 629-632 (2011)
  107. Harumi Saito, Yoko Asano, Masahiro Watanabe and Katsunori Okajima: "Impression differences in colour vision characteristics" Proceedings of Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association(AIC), 694-697 (2011)
  108. Manuel Melgosa, Luis Gomez-Robledo, Marta Garcia-Romera, Michal Vik, Martina Vikova and Katsunori Okajima:"Color Differences for a Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue Test Illuminated by a D65 Source" Proceedings of Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association(AIC), 130-133 (2011)
  109. 柳田拓人、岡嶋克典、三村秀典:「三種の色覚特性を考慮したファジィ制約充足による配色調整」、人工知能学会論文誌、26, No. 5, 518-526 (2011)
  110. C. ArceLopera, T. Masuda, A.. Kimura, Y. Wada and K. Okajima: "Luminance Distribution Influences Vegetables Freshness Perception," 9th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, P1.3.01 (2011)
  111. Katsunori Okajima and Charles Spence: "Effects of Visual Food Texture on Taste Perception," IMRF2011(International Multisensory Research Forum), Abstract, p.83 (2011)
  112. Mami Masuda and Katsunori Okajima: "Added Mastication Sound Affects Food Texture and Pleasantness," IMRF2011(International Multisensory Research Forum), Abstract, p.79 (2011)
  113. Carlos Arce-Lopera, Katsunori Okajima, Takanori Igarashi, Keisuke Nakao: "Luminance Distribution Effects on the Visual Quality of Human Skin," 3rd International Conference on Appearance, #20 (2012)
  114. Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima and Carlos Arce-Lopera:"Effects of Appearance in Visual Palatability of Dishes for the Elderly under Several Lighting Conditions," 3rd International Conference on Appearance, #41 (2012)
  115. Carlos Arce-Lopera and Katsunori Okajima:"Luminance Information Suffices to Model Vegetable Freshness Perception," Journal of Vision, 12(9): 865 (2012)
  116. Carlos Arce-Lopera, Takanori Igarashi, Keisuke Nakao, Katsunori Okajima: "Effects of Diffuse and Specular Reflections on the Perceived Age of Facial Skin," Optical Review, 19, No. 3, 167-173 (2012)
  117. Taka-aki Suzuki, Katsunori Okajima and Takashi Funai: "Optical Simulation of Reduced Retinal Illuminance Caused by Senile Miosis," Optical Review, 19, No. 3, 174-181 (2012)
  118. Katsunori Okajima, Shino Okuda, Noboru Tsukamoto, Kenji Iwamoto, Masahiro Suzuki: "Intelligent Support Tool with Dynamic Image Processing for Color Universal Design," Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan, Vol.36, Supplement, 236-237 (2012)
  119. Carlos Arce-Lopera, Tomohiro Masuda, Atsushi Kimura, Yuji Wada, Katsunori Okajima: "Luminance Distribution Modifies the Perceived Freshness of Strawberries," i-Perception, 3,(5) 338-355 (2012)
  120. Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima and Carlos Arce-Lopera:"Preferred Lighting to Increase Visual Palatability for Food Dishes for the Elderly,"Proceedings IFHE Congress, 214 (2012)
  121. Kaori Segawa, Hiroyasu Ujike, Katsunori Okajima and Shinya Saida: "Perception of Heading Speed from Radial Flow Depends on Visual Field," Optical Review, 19, No. 4, 268-275 (2012)
  122. Katsunori Okajima: "Age-Related Changes of Contrast Discrimination Threshold and Contrast Response," Perception, 41, Suppl., 191 (2012)
  123. Minoru Suzuki, Yasuki Yamauchi, Taka-aki Suzuki and Katsunori Okajima: ”A novel method to measure color-matching functions," Proceedings of interim Meeting of the International Colour Association(AIC), 338-341 (2012)
  124. Carlos Arce-Lopera, Tomohiro Masuda, Atsushi Kimura, Yuji Wada and Katsunori Okajima: "Luminance Distribution as A Determinant for Visual Freshness Perception: Evidence from Image Analysis of a Cabbage Leaf," Food Quality and Preference, 27(2), 202–207 (2013)
  125. Carlos Arce-Lopera, Takanori Igarashi, Keisuke Nakao, Katsunori Okajima: "Image Statics on the Age Perception of Human Skin," Skin Research and Technology, 19(1), 273-278 (2013)
  126. A. Kagimoto, S. Okuda, M. Tatsumoto, K. Okajima and K. Hirata: "Preferable Lighting Conditions for Migraineurs in Relaxation Room," Proc.7th Lux Pacifica, LPT-017 (2013)
  127. Katsunori Okajima, Junya Ueda and Charles Spence: "Effects of Visual Texture on Food Perception," Journal of Vision, 13(9): 1078 (2013)
  128. Liang Li, Akira Asano, Chie Muraki Asano and Katsunori Okajima:"Statistical Quantification of the Effects of Viewing Distance on Texture Perception,".Journal of Optical Society of America. A, 30, No.7, 1394-1403 (2013)
  129. Shino Okuda and Katsunori Okajima: "Effect of plate color on visual palatability of food dishes," Proceedings of Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC), 1249-1252 (2013)
  130. Yasuki Yamauchi, Minoru Suzuki, Taka-Aki Suzuki and Katsunori Okajima: "Measurement of Colour Matching Region to infer Individual Colour Matching Functions,"Proceedings of Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC), 1429-1432 (2013)
  131. Sei-Ichi Tsujimura, Naoshi Hamazono, Yusuke Saito and Katsunori Okajima: "Rod, cone and ipRGC interactions in color perception,"Proceedings of Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC), 1621-1624 (2013)
  132. Katsunori Okajima : "Individual Differences in Human Colour Vision and its Simulation," The 22rd Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society (ICVS), 48 (2013)
  133. S. Tsujimura, N. Hamazono and K. Okajima: "Cone and melanopsin interaction as a function of temporal frequency" The 22rd Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society (ICVS), 50 (2013)
  134. Katsunori Okajima, Carlos Arce-Lopera, Tomohiro Masuda, Atsushi Kimura, Yuji Wada: "Luminance Distribution Asymmetry Modifies Vegetable Freshness Perception," 10th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, O12.2 (2013)
  135. Shino Okuda, Akihisa Takemura, Katsunori Okajima: "Effects of Color and Odor of Colored Water on Predicted Palatability,"Perception, 42, Suppl., 64 (2013)
  136. Katsunori Okajima, Yusuke Sakurai, Carlos Arce-Lopera: "Effects of Background Reflectance and Illumination Level on the Estimated Freshness of Vegetables," Perception, 42, Suppl., 167 (2013)
  137. Dai Nishimuta, Katsunori Okajima and Takanori Igarashi: "Color and Luminance Affect Perceptual Transparency of Human Skin," Proc. Asia Color Association Conference (ACA2013), 155-158 (2013)
  138. 齋藤晴美、岡嶋克典:「2型二色覚者の色名応答における刺激呈示時間の影響」、電子情報通信学会情報・システムソサイエティ和文論文誌、J97-D, No.1, 85-94 (2014)
  139. Shino Okuda, Akari Kagimoto, Muneto Tatsumoto, Katsunori Okajima and Koichi Hirata: "Preferable Lighting Conditions for Migraineurs to Relax in Room," Proc. CIE2014 Lighting Quality & Energy Efficiency, 716-719 (2014)
  140. Akihisa Takemura, Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima: "Effects of Color and Flavor on Predicted Palatability of Bottled Green Tea," Proc. SenseAsia2014, P2.29. (2014)
  141. Sanae Yoshimoto, Mariko Uchida-Ota, Katsunori Okajima, Tatsuto Takeuchi: "Deterioration of Visual Motion Perception in Mesopic Vision," Journal of Vision, 14(10), 283 (2014)
  142. Carlos ArceLopera, Takanori Igarashi, Katsunori Okajima: "Colorimetric Analysis of Makeup Styles and Their Relation with Visual Quality Perception of the Skin," Journal of Vision, 14(10), 461 (2014)
  143. Sei-ichi Tsujimura, Naoshi Hamazono, Katsunori Okajima: "Temporal Contrast Sensitivity Function Based on Cones and Melanopsin Photoreceptors," Journal of Vision, 4(10), 593 (2014)
  144. Naoshi Hamazono, Katsunori Okajima, Sei-ichi Tsujimura: "Contrast Sensitivity Function Measured by a Four-Primary Illumination System," i-Perception, 5(4), 368 (2014)
  145. C. ArceLopera, A.M. Arboleda, K. Okajima: "Model for the Categorization of Bottled Soft-Drinks using their Silhouette," Perception, 43, Suppl., 108-109 (2014)
  146. Katsunori Okajima, Junya Ueda: "Effects of Color and Visual Texture on Drink Perception," Perception, 43, Suppl., 119 (2014)
  147. Akihisa Takemura, Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima:"Multimodal Effect of Color and Aroma on Predicted Palatability of Bottled Teas," Perception, 43, Suppl., 150 (2014)
  148. S. Okuda, A. Takemura, K. Okajima : "Effects of color and aroma on predicting the type of tea before drinking," Abstract book of EuroSense2014, P255 (2014)
  149. N. Morishita, Y. Yamauchi, T. Nagai, T. Suzuki, K. Okajima: "Effects of the Bandwidth of the Spectrum on the Color Matching Functions," Proc. Asia Color Association Conference (ACA2014), 39-42 (2014)
  150. Chie Muraki Asano, Ai Nishino, Akira Asano and K. Okajima: "Regional Characteristics on Preferences of Ceremonial Red Color in Japan," Proc. Asia Color Association Conference (ACA2014), 112-116 (2014)
  151. Katsunori Okajima, Yusuke Sakurai, Carlos Arce-Lopera: "Effects of Surface Color on the Estimated Freshness of Vegetables," Proceedings of International Colour Association (AIC2014), 582-585 (2014)
  152. Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima: "Delicious-Looking Color of Mug with Green Tea," Proceedings of International Colour Association (AIC2014), 586-589 (2014)
  153. 櫻井勇介,岡嶋克典:「視覚探索による生鮮野菜の鮮度知覚特性の検討」、映像情報メディア学会誌、68(12), J540-542 (2014)
  154. 西牟田大、五十嵐崇訓、岡嶋克典:「肌の透明感における輝度と色の影響」、映像情報メディア学会誌、68(12), J543-545 (2014)
  155. Muneto Tatsumoto, M. Yamakawa, Katsunori Okajima, K. Hirata: "Contribution of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells in the photophobia of migraine patients," Journal of the Neurological Sciences 357(1):e168-e169 (2015)
  156. Carlos Arce-Lopera, Tomohiro Masuda, Atsushi Kimura, Yuji Wada, Katsunori Okajima: "Model of Vegetable Freshness Perception using Luminance Cues," Food Quality and Preference, 40, Part B, pp.279–286 (2015)
  157. Seiichi Tsujimura and Katsunori Okajima: "Pupillary light reflex associated with melanopsin and cone photorecetors," Proceedings of International Colour Association (AIC2015), 165-169 (2015)
  158. Ayana Deguchi, Akira Asano, Chie Muraki Asano and Katsunori Okajima: "Human monochromatic impressions on multichromatic/colorless phenomena and concepts," Proceedings of International Colour Association (AIC2015), 432-437 (2015)
  159. Chie Muraki Asano, Kanae Tsujimoto, Akira Asano and Katsunori Okajima: "Differences of generation dependences of preferences between colors and styles in women's fashion," Proceedings of International Colour Association (AIC2015), 453-456 (2015)
  160. Akari Kagimoto, Risa Shiomi, Shino Okuda, Mami Masuda, Katsunori Okajima, Hideki Sakai and Hiroyuki Iyota "Color measurement of meat in cooking under LED lightings with different spectral distributions," Proceedings of International Colour Association (AIC2015), 877-880 (2015)
  161. Atsushi Haruta, Akihisa Takemura, Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima and Kosuke Asano: "Effects of Color and Aroma of Roasted Tea on the Predicted Taste and Palatability," Proceedings of International Colour Association (AIC2015), 1082-1086 (2015)
  162. C.C. Foo, Y. Matsubayashi, T. Himeno, K. Mukai, K. Okajima: "Effects of Correlated Colour Temperature and Intrinsically Photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells Response on a Visual Task," Proceedings of 28th CIE Session 2015, 1223-1229 (2015)
  163. Sei-ichi Tsujimura and Katsunori Okajima: "Relative Weights of Cone and Melanopsin Cells for the Flicker Detection Mechanism," The 23rd Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society (ICVS 2015) 14 (2015)
  164. Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima: "Preferable LED Lighting for Visual Palatability of Food Dishes," Proceedings of ARAHE Congress 2015, (PP049-5) 50 (2015)
  165. Akari Kagimoto, Shino Okuda, Muneto Tatsumoto, Katsunori Okajima, Koichi Hirata:"Preferable illuminance under LED lighting for migraineurs aiming to relax," Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA (International Ergonomics Association), #504, 1-5 (2015)
  166. Takuto Yanagida, Katsunori Okajima, Hidenori Mimura: "Color Scheme Adjustment by Fuzzy Constraint Satisfaction for Color Vision Deficiencies," Color Research and Application, 40, No.5, 446-464 (2015) <日本色彩学会論文賞受賞>
  167. Akari Kagimoto, Shino Okuda, Mami Masuda, Katsunori Okajima: "LED Lighting Conditions for Appearance of Cooked Meat," Proceedings of the 8th Lighting Conference of China, Japan and Korea, 388-391 (2015)
  168. Shino Okuda and Katsunori Okajima: "Temporal variation of chromatic response during color adaptation". Perception, 44, Suppl., 116 (2015)
  169. Akira Asano, Risa Hirota, Chie Muraki Asano, and Katsunori Okajima:"Difference of impressions on kimono fabrics by LCD view, actual view, and tactile feels,"Perception, 44, Suppl., 343 (2015)
  170. Akihisa Takemura, Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima: "Multimodal effects of color and aroma on predicted palatability of semisolid and liquid milk beverages,"Perception, 44, Suppl., 345 (2015)
  171. Miki Yonezawa and Katsunori Okajima: "Effects of human skin color distribution in the skin's appearance," International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC2015) Conference, P-23,.1-7 (2015)
  172. Shino Okuda and Katsunori Okajima: "Effects of Spectral Distribution of Light on Appearance of Face with Makeup," International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC2015) Conference, P-201, 1-6 (2015)
  173. 奥田紫乃、荒金美幸、竹村明久、岡嶋克典:「清涼飲料水の予想されるおいしさと味覚に対する色と香りの複合効果」、日本官能評価学会誌, 19-2, 1-7 (2015)
  174. 梁暢、岡嶋克典:「往復運動の知覚における振幅短縮現象」、日本視覚学会誌(VISION), Vol.27, No.4, 133-139 (2015)
  175. Shino Okuda and Katsunori Okajima: "Color Design of Mug with Green Tea for Visual Palatability," Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR2015), 1551-1563 (2015)
  176. Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima and Carlos Arce-Lopera: "Visual Palatability of Food Dishes in Color Appearance, Glossiness and Convexo-concave Perception Depending on Light Source," Journal of Light & Visual Environment, 39, 8-14 (2015)
  177. Sanae Yoshimoto, Katsunori Okajima, Tatsuto Takeuchi: "Motion Perception under Mesopic Vision," Journal of Vision, 16(1):16, 1-15 (2016)
  178. 奥田紫乃、岡嶋克典:「建築物外壁のエイジングによる古さ感とファサードの好ましさの関係」、日本感性工学会論文誌, 15, No.1, 145-151 (2016)
  179. A. Kagimoto, S. Okuda, K. Okajima, M. Tatsumoto and K. Hirata: "Influence of LED lighting condition on impression of a room aims to relax," Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Lighting, 41-44 (2016).
  180. Masahiko Yamakawa, Sei-ichi Tsujimura, Katsunori Okajima: "Contribution of ipRGC to the brightness perception," i-Perception, Volume 7, Issue 1_suppl, 41 (2016)
  181. Katsunori Okajima, Jiang Wanting, Masahiro Nishizawa: "Control of crossmodal effects of food appearance using a projective-AR system," Proceedings of Sensometrics2016, 46 (2016)
  182. Masaki Ogawa, Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki Ito, Katsunori Okajima: "Vection strength is determined by the subjective size of a visual stimulus modulated by amodal completion," Proceedings of 31st International Congress of Psychology, 105 (2016)
  183. Akari Kagimoto, Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima, Muneto Tatsumoto, Koichi Hirata: "Unfavorable lighting conditions for migraineurs in a relaxing room," Proceedings of 9th CJK Lighting Conference, 419-422 (2016)
  184. T. Imura, T. Masuda, Y. Wada, M. Tomonaga, K. Okajima: "Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) can perceive the freshness of foods," Abstract book of the 2016 Joint Meeting of the International Primatological Society and the American Society of Primatologists, #7822 (2016)
  185. Katsunori Okajima and Miki Yonezawa: "Effects of Color Distribution on the Impression of Facial Skin," Perception, 45, Suppl. 220 (2016)
  186. Akihisa Takemura, Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima, "Multimodal effects of color and aroma on predicted palatability of red milk beverages," Perception, 45, Suppl. 332 (2016)
  187. S. Okuda, K. Komai, Y. Tanigawa and K. Okajima: "Preferable Lighting Condition to Improve the Appearance of Woman's Facial Skin with Cosmetic Foundation," Proceedings of 4th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, 224-229 (2016)
  188. Tomoko Imura, Tomohiro Masuda, Yuji Wada, Masaki Tomonaga and Katsunori Okajima : "Chimpanzees can visually perceive differences in the freshness of foods," Scientific Reports, 6, Article number: 34685 (2016)
  189. Charles Spence, Katsunori Okajima, Adrian David Cheok, Olivia Petit, Charles Michel: "Eating with our eyes: From visual hunger to digital satiation," Brain and Cognition, 110, 53-63 (2016)
  190. Masahiro Nishizawa, Jiang Wanting, Katsunori Okajima: "Projective-AR System for Customizing the Appearance and Taste of Food," Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (MVAR2016), pp.6:1-6:6 (2016)
  191. Shino Okuda and Katsunori Okajima: "Effects of Spectral Component of Light on Appearance of Skin of Woman's Face with Make-up," Journal of Light & Visual Environment, 40, 20-27 (2016)
  192. 草竹大輝、萩原亨、浜岡秀勝、江湖俊介、轟 麻起子、岡嶋克典、小林正自:「プロビーム照明下の歩行者視認性に関する基礎的研究」、交通工学論文集, 3, No.2(特集号), A_84-A_91 (2017)
  193. Taku Nakamura, Junya Ueda, Katsunori Okajima: "Effects of Skin Texture in Reading Facial Expression," Proc. International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering (ISASE2017), A3-4, pp.1-8 (2017)
  194. 瀬川かおり、東洋邦、岡嶋克典:「移動物体の視認性における後方発光面の輝度の影響」、照明学会誌, 101, No.6, 229-233 (2017)
  195. 奥田紫乃、岡嶋克典:「京町家のファサードに好ましい古さ感に関する研究」、日本感性工学会論文誌, 16, No.3, 285-291 (2017)
  196. Yuna Nakanishi, Katsunori Okajima: "Evaluation Consistency and Image Statistical Analysis on Skin Transparency," i-Perception, 8, Issue 2_suppl, 68 (2017)
  197. S. Okuda, K. Okajima: "Effect of plate color on visual sweetness and deliciousness of cakes," 12th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium,P2.3.11 (2017)
  198. A. Takemura, S. Okuda, K. Okajima, N. Nishiki :"Multimodal effects of color and aroma on predicted palatability of black tea," 12th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium,P2.1.84 (2017)
  199. A. Asano, H. Nguyen, C. M. Asano, K. Okajima, M. Kawasumi, H. Tanaka and Y. Hatakeyama: "Affective responses to regular / predictive / irregular curves measured by using a wearable vital sensor," Art & Perception, 5, 373 (2017).
  200. A. Asano, M. Yamada, C. Muraki Asano, K. Okajima, and M. Kawasumi: "Human affectiveness on color arrangements in geometrical figures," Perception, 46, Suppl.,15, (2017)
  201. Katsunori Okajima, Satoshi Hojo: "Crossmodal effects of dynamic visual information on beverage perception," Perception, 46, Suppl., 43, (2017)
  202. A. Asano, S. Yamamoto, C. Muraki Asano, K. Okajima, M. Kawasumi, L. Li, and X. Y. Guo:"Visual distinguishability of confusing Chinese and Japanese character pairs in disturbed text alignments," Abstract book of 20th ESCoP (20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology) conference, 153 (2017)
  203. Akira Asano, Chie M. Asano, Katsunori Okajima, Mikiko Kawasumi: "Temporal transition enhances the consonance of color arrangements," Proc. CIC25 (Color and Imaging Conference), 240-244 (2017)
  204. Atsushi Moriwaki, Katsunori Okajima: "Color Measurement and Image Processing of Dyes and Pigments Aged by Sunlight," Proceedings of International Colour Association, OS19-02 (AIC2017), (2017)
  205. Yuki Tanaka, Keita Hirai, Midori Tanaka, Takahiko Horiuchi, Katsunori Okajima: "Contribution of ipRGC to the Fluorecent Feeling," Proceedings of International Colour Association, PS03-58 (AIC2017), (2017)
  206. Akari Kagimoto, Katsunori Okajima, Shino Okuda, Muneto Tatsumoto, Koichi Hirata: "Preferable lighting conditions for migraineurs and non-migraineurs in working spaces,"Proceedings of International Colour Association, OS21-09 (AIC2017), (2017)
  207. S. Okuda, K. Okajima: "Optimal Combinations of Light Color and Type of Make-up on Appearance of Woman's Facial Skin," Proc. CIE Midterm Meeting, 823-826 (2017)
  208. Toru Hagiwara, Daiki Kusatake, Shunsuke Kouko, Makiko Todoroki, Hidekatsu Hamaoka, Katsunori Okajima, Shouji Kobayashi: "Fundamental Visibility Assessment for Probeam Road Lighting," Proc. Transportation Research Board ANNUAL MEETING 2018, #18-01159 (2018)
  209. 萩原亨、草竹大輝、浜岡秀勝、江湖俊介、轟 麻起子、岡嶋克典、小林正自:「市街地におけるプロビーム道路照明の配光に関する研究開発」、交通工学論文集, 4, No.3(特集号A), A_10-A_17 (2018)
  210. S. Okuda, K. Okajima: Effects of mug color on predicted taste and deliciousness of tea, SenseAsia2018, P1.33 (2018)
  211. Katsunori Okajima, Li Hanxiao: "Influences of Conflicting Visual Information on Body Schema and Haptic Perception of Hands," IMRF2018(International Multisensory Research Forum), T5.2 (2018)
  212. S.Okuda, A.Takemura, K.Okajima :"Psychological effects induced multimodally by the aroma and the color of bottles," IMRF2018(International Multisensory Research Forum), P1.48 (2018)
  213. M. Melgosa, N. Richard, C. Fernández-Maloigne, K. Xiao, H. de Clermont-Gallerande, S. Jost-Boissard, K. Okajima: "Colour differences in Caucasian and Oriental women's faces illuminated by white LED sources," International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 40, 244–255 (2018)
  214. Moeka Nakajima, Katsunori Okajima: "Effects of face direction and duration in facial emotion estimation," Journal of Vision, 18, No.10, 604, (2018)
  215. S.Okuda, K.Okajima: "Color appearance during color adaptation after changing the lighting color,"Perception, 48, 1_Suppl., 19 (2018)
  216. K.Okajima, Y. Nakanishi: "Effects of Reflecting and Sub-Surface Scattering Lights on Facial Skin Appearance," Perception, 48, 1_Suppl., 46 (2018)
  217. Manuel Melgosa, Noël Richard, Christine Fernández-Maloigne, Kaida Xiao, Hélène de Clermont-Gallerande, Sophie Jost-Boissard, Katsunori Okajima: "An approach to face contrasts in women faces under CIE standard illuminants and representative white LED sources," Proc. AIC2018, 431-436 (2018)
  218. Masahiro Nishizawa, Katsunori Okajima: "Precise Surface Color Estimation Using a Non-Diagonal Reflectance Matrix on an Adaptive Projector-Camera System," Proc. ISMAR2018, 190-195 (2018)
  219. M. Yamakawa, S. Tsujimura and K. Okajima: "Individual Differences of IPRGC's Contribution in Brightness Perception," Proc. ACA2018, 212-216 (2018)
  220. C. M. Asano, A. Asano, K. Okajima, and K. Matsumura: "Regional Characteristics on Preferences of Ceremonial Red Color in Japan -Comparison between the West and the East-," Proc. ACA2018, 375-381 (2018)
  221. T. Nonoyama, M. Kawasumi, A. Asano, C. M. Asano, and K. Okajima: "Studies on Effects of Temporal Color Transition on Harmony of Three Color Combinations," Proc. ACA2018, 387-390 (2018)
  222. 萩原亨、浜岡秀勝、江湖俊介、岡嶋克典、小林正自:「テストコースにおけるプロビーム道路灯の視認性に関する研究」、交通工学論文集, 5, No.2, A_134-A_141 (2019)
  223. Toru Hagiwara, Shunsuke Kouko, Hidekatsu Hamaoka, Katsunori Okajima, Shouji Kobayashi: "Visibility Assessment of Pro-beam Road Lights at a Test Track," Proc. Transportation Research Board ANNUAL MEETING 2019, Paper Number :19-00534 (2019)
  224. M. Yamakawa, S. Tsujimura, K. Okajima: "A quantitative analysis of the contribution of melanopsin to brightness perception," Scientific Reports, 9, Article number: 7568 (2019)
  225. Akari Kagimoto, Katsunori Okajima: "Effects of ipRGCs and rods on color matching between object and luminous colors," Journal of Vision, 19, 251b (2019)
  226. S.Okuda, K.Okajima :"Preferable Lighting for Appearance of Women's Facial Skin," Proc. CIE Congress, 1503-1506 (2019)
  227. T. Hagiwara, S. Kouko, K Okajima, H. Hamaoka, S. Kobayashi: "Development of Pro‐beam Road Light," Proc. CIE Congress, 1703-1710 (2019)
  228. Katsunori Okajima, Yoshika Takahashi, Graham Fielder, Alan Robertson: "Opponent modulation of mRGCs and rods in unique-hue color channels,"The 25rd Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society (ICVS), 27 (2019)
  229. S. Okuda, K. Okajima: "Effect of Light Color on Visual Palatability of Food Dishes," 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. P1-272 (2019)
  230. 西澤昌宏、岡嶋克典:「プロジェクタカメラ系における反射面の事前知識を用いたオンライン反射色推定」、電子情報通信学会論文誌, J102-A, No.8, 227-235 (2019)
  231. Jiale Yang, Katsunori Okajima, So Kanazawa, Masami K. Yamaguchi: "Infant can visually differentiate the fresh and degraded foods: evidence from fresh cabbage preference," Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.10 Article 1553 (2019)
  232. J.Ueda, K.Okajima "Face morphing using average face for subtle expression recognition," Proc. Int'l Sympo. Image & Signal Processing and Analysis, 187-192 (2019)
  233. K. Okajima, M. Nagata: "Gloss-detection image filter based on center-surround receptive fields," Perception, 48, 2_Suppl., 38 (2019)
  234. A. Takemura, S. Okuda, K. Okajima, Y. Kataoka: "Psychological Effect of Color and Aroma of Green Tea on Predicted Taste and Deliciousness," Perception, 48, 2_Suppl.,145 (2019)
  235. Sei-ich Tsujimura, Katsunori Okajima: "A Weak Melanopsin Contribution to Color Perception," Proc. ACA2019 256-259 (2019)
  236. Satoko Taguchi, Shino Okuda Miho Muguruma, Miho Matoba Atsuko Miyaji Fumiyoshi Kirino and Katsunori Okajima: "Color Materials used in the Reproduction of SHOSOIN IMPERIAL TREASURES "The Red-Stained Ivory SHAKU Ruler with BACHIRU Decoration" Corrected by Nara Women's University," Proc. ACA2019 576-579 (2019)
  237. Miguel Á. Martínez-Domingo, Manuel Melgosa, Katsunori Okajima, Víctor Jesús Medina, Francisco José Collado-Montero: "Spectral image processing for museum lighting using CIE LED illuminants,"Sensors, 19, 5400 (2019).
  238. Junya Ueda, Katsunori Okajima: "AR food changer using deep learning and cross-modal effects,"IEEE AIVR2019, IEEE Catalog No. CFP19O53-ART, 110-117 (2019)
  239. Carlos ArceLopera, Katsunori Okajima, Yuji Wada: "XYZ color data on the visual degradation of vegetables," Data in Brief, 28, #105079 (2020)
  240. Runa Takahashi, Katsunori Okajima: "Image processing method for renewing old objects using deep learning," IS&T Int'l Symposium on Electronic Imaging (EI2020), #MAAP-061 (2020)
  241. 萩原亨、浜岡秀勝、江湖俊介、岡嶋克典、小林正自:「市街地におけるプロビーム道路灯プロトタイプの開発」、交通工学論文集, 6, No.3, pp.11-20 (2020) <論文賞受賞>
  242. J. Ueda, C. Spence, K. Okajima: "Effects of varying the standard deviation of the luminance on the appearance of food, flavour expectations, and taste/flavour perception," Scientific Reports, 10, Article number: 16175 (2020)
  243. A. Kagimoto, K. Okajima: "Perfect Appearance Match between Self-luminous and Surface Colors Can be Performed with Isomeric Spectra," Scientific Reports, 10, Article number:18350 (2020)
  244. S. Okuda, S. Taguchi, K. Okajima, L. Gómez-Robledo, M. Melgosa: "Effect of lighting on visual appearance of Japanese woodblock print painting (Ukiyo-e) for Spanish observers," Proc. AIC2020, ID115, 352-355 (2020)
  245. S. Okuda, C. Kamiyana, K. Okajima: "Preferred oldness of aging building façade with white exterior wall," European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research (EuroSense2020), P1-303 (2020)
  246. M. Yamakawa, A. Tachibana, M. Tatsumoto, K. Okajima, S. Ueda, K. Hirata: "Hemodynamic responses related to intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells in migraine," NeuroScience Research, 160, 57-64 (2020)
  247. Miguel Ángel Martínez-Domingo, Francisco José Collado-Montero, Daniel Vázquez, Satoko Taguchi, Katsunori Okajima, Shino Okuda, Manuel Melgosa: "Some effects of LED light prototypes recommended by the CIE on the visual appearance of museum exhibits" Proc. XLVII National Lighting Symposium (2021)
  248. 中野彬徳、岡嶋克典:「非整合な視覚情報が歩行の印象に与える影響」、電気学会論文誌C、141 No. 12, pp.1411-1416 (2021)
  249. 田口智子、一宮八重、高橋香里、黒田清子、奥田紫乃、岡嶋克典、柿崎博孝:「ジョン・グールドの「鳥類図譜」における色彩と着彩技法 −「トゲハシハチドリ」及び「オウギハチドリ」の調査から」、玉川大学教育博物館紀要、19, 3-13 (2022)
  250. 東洋邦、高橋良香、岡嶋克典:「メラノプシン細胞が不快グレアに与える影響」、照明学会誌、106, No.1, 29-35 (2022)
  251. Akari Kagimoto, Katsunori Okajima: "Color appearance match can be performed among custom-made five-dimensional metamers," Journal of Vision, 22, 3402 (2022)
  252. Satoko Taguchi, Yae Ichimiya, Kaori Takahashi, Hirotaka Kakizaki, Sayako Kuroda, Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima:"Color Materials and Techniques in John Gould's "Folio Bird Books - A Comparison with R.P.Lesson's "Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux Mouches," Proc. AIC2022, 47-52 (2022)
  253. S. Okuda, R. Furusawa, M. Matsumura, S. Tagucgi, S. Kuroda, H. Kakizaki, K. Okajima: "Preferred Lighting for Appearance of Art Works: A Study of Hummingbirds in John Gould's "Folio Bird Books", Proc. Visual Science of Art Conference (VSAC2022), 26-#3 (2022)
  254. Satoko Taguchi, Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima: "Color Materials used in Toyohara Kunichika's Japanese Woodblock Print Painting (Ukiyo-e) and its Deterioration," Proc. Asian Color Association Conference (ACA2022), 314-317 (2022)
  255. Hirokuni Higashi, Katsunori Okajima: "Daylights with high melanopsin stimulation appear reddish in fovea and greenish in periphery," PLOS ONE, 18(4): e0285053 (2023)
  256. A.López, V.Garcia , M. Melgosa , S. Mayorga, A. Álvarez-Balbuena, K. Okajima, S. Okuda, S. Taguchi, D. Vázquez.: "Characterisation of spectral reflectance in historical tapestries," Proc. XLIX National Lighting Symposium (2023)
  257. A. Takemura, S. Okuda, K. Okajima, T. Yamaguchi :"Psychological Effect of Color and Aroma of Olive Oil on Predicted Taste and Deliciousness,"Perception, 52, Suppl. pp.151-152 (2023)
  258. S. Okuda, S. Taguchi, K. Okajima, M. Melgosa: "Preferred Lighting for Ukiyo-e, Japanese Woodblock Print Painting,"Proceedings of 30th CIE Session, PO129 (2023)
  259. S. Okuda, S. Yagi, S. Taguchi, K. Okajima, M. Melgosa: "Influence of lighting colour on visual evaluation of landscape paintings - Focus on some Claude Monet's artworks," Proc. International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR2023), doi.org/10.21606/iasdr.2023.625 (2023)
  260. Hirokuni Higashi, Kaori Segawa, Katsunori Okajima: "Melanopsin stimulation affects discomfort glare in lighting environment," Journal of Science and Technology in Lighting, 47, 17-27 (2023) <照明学会論文賞受賞>
  261. S. Okuda, M. Mori, S. Taguchi, K. Okajima: "Preferable lighting conditions for deteriorated paintings - Focus on Ukiyo-e, Japanese woodblock print," Proc. Visual Science of Art Conference (VSAC2023), (2023) in press
  262. S. Taguchi, S. Okuda, K. Okajima: "Spectral Reflectance and Deterioration Simulation of Toyohara Kunichika's Japanese Woodblock Print," Proc. AIC2023, pp.512-515 (2023)
  263. S. Okuda, R. Jonai, K. Okajima: "Effect of lip colours on colour appearance and preference of facial skin," Proc. AIC2023, pp.893-896 (2023)
  264. S. Okuda, M. Nagata, K. Okajima, F.J. Rodríguez-Pulido, F.J. Heredia, R. Ortega-Velázquez, M.D. Gaviño-Nadal, J. Casado-González, P.A. García, M.J. Rivas, M. Tejada-Casado, A. Yebra, M. Melgosa: "Lighting Preferences in sliced Iberian sausages for Spanish Observers," 50th National Lighting Symposium in Spain (2024)
  265. Tianyi Zhang, Clea Desebrock, Rhonda Hadi, Katsunori Okajima, Charles Spence, "'Hot stuff': Food is More Desirable with Dynamic Food-Extrinsic Temperature Cues,"Proc. EMAC2024 (European Marketing Academy Conference) #468 (2024)
  266. Masahiko Yamakawa, Katsunori Okajima, John S. Werner: "Blackness perception is affected by the stimulation of melanopsin cells," The 27th Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society (ICVS),, 153 (2024)
  267. S. Okuda, M. Nagata, K. Okajima, F.J. Rodriguez-Pulido, F.J. Heredia, R. Ortega-Velazquez, M.D. Gavino-Nadal, J. Casado-Gonzalez, P.A. Garcia, A. Serrano, A. Yebra, M. Melgosa : "Lighting preferences in Iberian sausages for Japanese and Spanish observers," Proc. AOP2024 (Applications of Optics and Photonics). submitted.
  268. M. Nishimoto, S. Okuda, S. Taguchi, K. Okajima, M. Melgosa: "Effects of lighting color on the perception of time and season in landscapes painted by Claude Monet,": Proc. ALC2024 (Asia Lighting Conference), in press.
  269. S. Okuda, M. Nagata, K. Okajima, F.J. Rodriguez-Pulido, F.J. Heredia, R. Ortega-Velazquez, M.D. Gavino-Nadal, J. Casado-Gonzalez, P.A. Garcia, A. Serrano, A. Yebra, M. Melgosa : "Lighting preferences in sliced Iberian sausages for Japanese and Spanish observers," Proc. BalkanLight2024. in press.
  270. Tianyi Zhang, Clea Desebrock, Katsunori Okajima, Charles Spence: "'Hot Stuff': Making Food More Desirable with Animated Temperature Cues," Food Quality and Preference, 120, (2024) in press.
  271. S. Okuda, N. Kishi, S. Taguchi, K. Okajima, D. Vazquez Molini, M. Melgosa: ”Effects of Light Colour on Appearance of Depicted Human Skin,” Proc. ACA2024, submitted..

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