Association Internationale de la Couleur
International Colour Association

<AIC Study Group>

Katsunori Okajima Ph.D.
Yokohama National University, Japan

Manuel Melgosa Ph.D.
Universidad de Granada, Spain

Purpose of the CVP study group

The purpose of this Study Group was originally to discuss basic and practical studies on colour perception of the elderly, such as colour appearance, colour discrimination, brightness perception of colours, colour preference and application tools for planning and testing universal colour designs, and to share useful information among the members concerning colour perception of the elderly. At the SG meeting in AIC2012, however, we decided that we would change the SG's name to 'Colour Vision and Psychophysics' to expand our domain. From 2013, therefore, we deal with a broader range of topics from colour vision models to universal colour design, while still including colour perception of the elderly.

If you have any question or comment, and/or information will be useful for the member, feel free to ask or send it to the chairman (Email:

Recent topics

SG members published some impacted papers related to the SG. Kagimoto and Okajima set out to solve an unconcluded problem why color appearance between surface color (e.g. a paper) and self-luminous color (e.g. a display) cannot be matched even when both colorimetric values are identical (Scientific Reports, 10, Article number:18350, 2020). They experimentally showed that the reason why color appearance between surface color and self-luminous color cannot be matched is difference of the spectral distributions but not difference of the devices (Fig.1). Their next step is to clarify the effect of the ipRGC (intrinsically photoreceptive Retinal Ganglion Cell) to the color appearance and finally to restructure of the color theory. In addition, an international group reported how the standard deviation (SD) of the luminance distribution of food images influences the perceived visual texture and the taste/flavour experience by using the AR technology (Scientific Reports, 10, Article number:16175, 2020). They found that the luminance SD of the food image affects the complex food appearance, such as moistness, wateriness and deliciousness expectation (Fig.2). In addition, they showed that such appearance changes crossmodally induce the taste/flavour modulation. The AR system described here can potentially be used to modify the taste and perceived texture of food simply by manipulating its appearance.

Fig.1 Comparison of results for isomeric and pentamic-metamer conditions.
Isomeric conditions provide perfect color matching between different devices to everyone.

Fig.2 Modified luminance distribution of a Baumkuchen.
The value K represents the magnification factor of the luminance histogram. The upper ones
look fresh and soft whereas the lower ones look dried-up and relatively hard, indicating that
the appearance of the baked cake can be modified by only manipulating the luminance
distribution of the surface.

Information for the members


Last update: 14 Jan. 2021